What if Affirmations are hard for me?

Affirmation Brain Cloud Transparent HD
Affirmation Brain Cloud Transparent HD

Affirmations are an extremely powerful tool for helping our brains think more healthily. Over my years of helping others find freedom from addiction, I’ve noticed that not everybody understands the impact the story we tell ourselves has on our lives. It’s actually really interesting to observe the reactions of individuals when I share that affirmations were one of the most powerful tools in my being able to find real FREEDOM. It’s not uncommon for somebody to try challenging the idea. You may even be challenging the idea right now. You may be even starting to question whether or not you want to keep reading… But this natural response to reject something that we don’t think could possibly be true is actually a manifestation of this concept being played out. I find it fascinating that the people who are initially the most opposed to this idea often get the greatest reward for challenging their own ideas.

I think there are many reasons that this seems to be the case, but from my perspective, there are two that stand out. The first is that these people are the most thirsty for it. Like a man wandering through the jungle desperately in search of a river. (The only water source he currently knows) Once he finds the vine that contains a limitless source of water, he will drink the most deeply. The second is less obvious, but probably just as impactful, is that their stubbornness immediately becomes a strength. They are slower to forget that the vine is there once they find it.

As someone who has seen many people transform, almost before my eyes in some situations. It is one of my greatest honors and deepest privileges to see someone who has been so thirsty for so long, start drinking deeply only to find that they are worthy of love.